Lending Flow : How it works

Investing through ReFi Hub is straightforward and transparent. Here's an overview of the investment flow:

  1. Purchase LATs (Loan Agreement Tokens):

    • You start by purchasing LATs, which represent real-world loan agreements between you (the lender) and the borrowing business.

  2. Borrowing Business Utilizes Funds:

    • The borrowing business receives the borrowed funds from the LATs you've purchased, and uses them for their business operations.

  3. Interest & Principal Repayments:

    • The borrowing business periodically deposits interest and principal repayments into a smart contract.

  4. Claiming Your Earnings:

    • As a LAT holder, you have the opportunity to claim interest and principal payments from the smart contract at regular intervals.

  5. USDC Repayment:

    • It's important to note that all loans will be repaid in USDC, providing you with a stable and secure investment.

Investing with ReFi Hub allancial rewards.

Last updated